Must be our fourth or fifth week without rain? [Updated]

[Updated] The ‘bucket on wheels’ was taking longer than usual to fill so I popped the top of the tanks and had a squiz. I can see the bottom of the tank, which can't be good! Not going to plant anything until it rains. Easier to manage them in pots. The forecast reckons the 'plateau' is going to get some rain this week (and some thunderstorms). Usually I look back and up at the mountains behind Otaki and smile, cause they are getting dumped on, while the beach is dry and basking in the rays. Looks like the preverbal is on the other foot :-) I've decided to water the non edibles with town water. Save what water I can fit the veg. Really don’t want chlorine in my soil. Local gardeners have started to complain about dry spell. Town water is metered, and some of the smaller tanks are running dry. last month everyone was bitch'n about soggy soil and mould. The weather flip has been crazy. Bright emerald lawns that demanded to be mown every couple of d...