
Showing posts from January, 2022

Time for my summer property walkabout in 360

All the plants are powering away, and it's pretty obvious that we could use some rain.  The previous 'walkabout' for comparison is here. Click here if you don't see a video above

Tomato update : Jan

The older plants are ‘topped’ when they reach the end of the cane. The newer plants are slowly catching up. I’ve getting some nice sized fruit. Odd bit of blossom end rot, which I’m blaming on lack of watering. Haven’t had much rain in a while and the water tanks are running a bit low. Some of the fruit is beginning to colour, and I hope we have a nice February to finish ripening off the whole crop. I’m getting some nice thick stems this year. Possibly due to the root systems from the deeply buried plants. This also helps with sustaining the plants during the dry periods. Click here if you don't see a video above

Planting a tomato lateral

Recently I read on FB that it was possible to remove a lateral bud from a tomato plant and it will grow into a whole new plant. I love ‘plant hacks’ like this, and I thought I’d give it a go. I cut off a lateral, and planted it in a pot. Kept the soil damp for a few weeks.     Turns out that these freaky little plants will indeed continue to grow from a lateral. This is going to make a big change to my tomato plant roll out next year. This is a lot faster and less random than waiting for seeds to germinate. I decided to ‘double down’ and planted some much larger prunings. They also took root. Click here if you don't see the video above

Cuttings gone wild, with olive and bamboo

I've been inspired to try propagating cuttings by a mate to rescued a lavender plant that had been stomped on. He produced three healthy plants from the original plant fragments. A couple of years back I planted a couple of Manzanillo olive trees and a Frantoio pollinator. Link to previous article . I’ve decided that the olives are doing so well that I want to plant some more. My home made potting mix is local sand that I’ve sieved, and some churches pumice. I’m using honey and cinnamon as a rooting compound.     I gave each pot a small recycled windshield. I’ve got a small patch of clumping bamboo (Bambusa oldhamii) that is spreading so slowly that I need to plant a few more to fill out the area. I cut up a stalk, then trimmed and potted the segments. click here if you don't see the video above

Tomato growing note for next year

Start off seedling in pot. Transfer to bed by digging deep hole and planting seedling at bottom. Insert plastic bottle lining. When seedling has grown just above soil surface, pull up lining to form a wind break, and fill hole with soil. Use the water spreading plant pots and run the water for three minutes. Continue to apply mulch all summer. When fruit flies appear, fill bottle with cider vinegar