
Showing posts from August, 2007

More of the whale holiday

I don't usually take holidays where I sit around on a beach all day, getting sloshed on cocktails, and working on a tan. Work is pretty inane, so a break for me is to do something useful, so I thought it was pretty cool when my mate discovered Earthwatch last year. She spent two weeks in Madagascar studying Limas. The year after I decided to sign up to participate in a Dolphin research mission in Spain. I found out about the Oceania project when Trish (the research lead) posted a comment on one of my videos that I had posted on YouTube from that Spanish trip. I boarded the Moon Dancer, a 12-meter catamaran, early on Sunday morning and got to meet the crew and the other interns. as well as the couple who where leading the expedition, we had a couple of British high school kids, an American girl studying underwater audio, and a volunteer marine biologist from the UK, The crew was the guy that owned the boat, and the son of the research leaders. There was plenty of room on

We had a witch’s moon tonight.

Great big ‘teabag coloured’ luna arcing across the sky. Last time I saw that I was in York, where I climbed a mound erected by William the Conqueror with a gay girl and a tall blond wanderlust infected Kiwi guy. The bloody churches where ringing the crap out of their bells as though each was weighted down with a mad monk or two. This means I’ve seen a blood moon in both hemispheres.