
Showing posts from February, 2023

Beans in corn

I think I’ve worked out how to get the ‘three sisters’ to work. Plant the beans so that they only properly take off when the corn is finished.

Harvesting soybeans


First soybean harvest

These are the first couple of plants I grew this year…

Pomegranate update

Hoping for a few more this year  (first fruit last year)

Onion update

Getting some decent sized bulbs

Peach tree update

Got a few more peaches this year. Put a couple in pots to see if I can grow a tree from the pit.

What do you do, when you're stuck inside under the rim of a cyclone?

You could start processing all the veg in the garden for eating during the winter... A cucumber lacto fermentation, several Passata, a few bread and butter pickle, some piccalilli that was made when the scales were 'off' so it's stupid thick, and a truck load of tomato soup

Cyclone Gabrielle

Cyclonic SE winds were forecast for yesterday so I put up some pallet windbreaks and some nets. Would be nice to keep a few leaves on the lemon hedge, and it turns out that capsicum stems are pretty delicate. I'm trying to turn lots of little objects into one large object, and hoping the leaves don't get torn off individually while still allowing air and the rain to penetrate. Compared to the trees in the background, there is much less movement of leaves and branches under the net. The whole hedge is moving more like an undulating jelly. There is still air passing through the trees, but some of its energy has been dissipated. Corn out back got a bit 'thumped'

Soy beans 2023

The first planting is Starting to die off. Curious to see what happens next.

Potato sticky beak

Dug around to see what was happening underground now that most of the adobe ground action has died off.

Capsicum are finally starting to colour

After so much struggle to get the things to germinate, they are doing well. Suffering in the wind a bit so will need more support stakes next year. Couple of the larger early plants had catastrophic failures and large sections broke off. One of these plants finally has fruit that is colouring.

Lemon hedge is filling back in nicely

After a bad winter where the hedge was a very denuded, and it had started to recover ( read about it by clicking here ).

Tomatoes update : Feb

Starting to ripen 'on mass'. Need much stronger stakes next year, and lots more tie downs.

Corn and tomatoes out the back are doing well


Rampicante are 'going off'

These guys might be classed as zucchini, but they don’t grow like the zucchini I’m used to. I think that next year, I’ll grow these out the back yard and let them wind around the apple trees. The bean frame is full but I’ve discovered that the bugs like the leaves of the beans.