More of the whale holiday

I don't usually take holidays where I sit around on a beach all day, getting sloshed on cocktails, and working on a tan.
Work is pretty inane, so a break for me is to do something useful, so I thought it was pretty cool when my mate discovered Earthwatch last year.
She spent two weeks in Madagascar studying Limas. The year after I decided to sign up to participate in a Dolphin research mission in Spain.

I found out about the Oceania project when Trish (the research lead) posted a comment on one of my videos that I had posted on YouTube from that Spanish trip.

I boarded the Moon Dancer, a 12-meter catamaran, early on Sunday morning and got to meet the crew and the other interns.
as well as the couple who where leading the expedition, we had a couple of British high school kids, an American girl studying underwater audio, and a volunteer marine biologist from the UK,
The crew was the guy that owned the boat, and the son of the research leaders.
There was plenty of room on the boat, and the bathroom was one of the nicest I've ever seen on a boat. Not smelly at all!

This was a working holiday so we all had our names scribbled out on the job roster taking turns cooking, or washing up, manning the flying deck and filling in the data notes, or taking ID shots with the camera.

Water was restricted to two large tanks, and we were water bound for the entire week, so most of us had a single shower. I waited until Tuesday before I felt that enough was enough.
I was a very happy and shiny clean person when I emerged from the bathroom.




  1. that really looks like fun ... working fun but fun nonetheless.


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