Recently I scored a pile of oxtail cuts from a cousin who has a property in the Wairarapa. He runs a few cows and sheep, slaughtering them when required. Buying meat from a shop is my last resort these days. Fell out of the habit after living in the UK during the ‘mad cow’ outbreak. I now find it difficult to trust the mass market meat industry. Veg is getting to be almost as bad, what with all the recent bacteria scares. I boiled up the oxtail with a bay leaf, and let it cool enough to pick out all the little meaty bits lodged in the tail sections. I moved the pot into the fridge for a bit and then skimmed off the congealed fat. Next day, the pot went back on the range and I dropped in diced carrot, celery, onion, followed by a packet of minestrone dry mix. I have grown carrots and celery in the past but didn't have any in the garden when I made the soup. Served it up with some locally made bread from