Greek cemetery

I once traveled through the Greek islands with a gay girl.
The Islands are beautiful and romantic, and at one point as we were threading our way thought the white washed houses adorned with red roses, she remarked ‘I wish I was here with someone I could be romantic with.’
I nodded and replied ‘I know what you mean.’

05_MegaPix 009 Greek cemetery

I wonder why they paint the tree trunks white?

05_MegaPix 008 Greek cemetery


  1. Neat! You've been to so many cool places. I like how the graveyard is so white. It seems a lot less somber.

  2. Greek cemeterywith a gay girl? i'm trying to imaing... :D  and well..anyway seems you travel a lot.. really cool!

  3. It's all part of my plan, to end up as a cranky old single guy ;-)

  4. Good question. Is this perhaps the reason?

    "The environmentally friendly paint ‘asvestis’ (whitewash or limewash in

    English) has been used since ancient times and still is in wide use today in

    Greece, where people exploit its hygienic and disinfectant properties when

    they paint everything white. It is used in bathrooms and stables for this

    reason. Painted on tree trunks, it has antibacterial and insect-repellent

    properties." .

  5. Evidently we aspire to the same goal. lol


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