So far I've defined three zones in the garden

Annual, perennial, and orchard.
The annual and orchard zones are pretty well established. There is also permanent asparagus and saffron plots.
This year I’m thinking of expending some quality muscle power on the Perennial zone.

Along one side of the driveway is a strip of land, sitting in front of the boundary fence. It's pretty much sand covered by weed mats held down by a layer of stones. The people before me weren't intending in growing much.
This will now be a permanent garden strip for grazing and browsing
Much like the orchard out the back, I’m going to have to spend some time improving the soil.

I've started planting it out and will be adding to the strip in future.


Up near the entrance to the property I have a cape gooseberry and the papino that were transplanted from the garden beds next door.

Halfway up the drive is an inherited Rosemary bush and I’ve planted Sorrell, bay, strawberries, and blueberry

Next in line is manuka, Lettuce, fennel, spinach, and oregano.

Up near the garage there is currently pomegranate, artichoke, and rhubarb.

The front garden is for annual crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, and such like.

This is the third summer for the apples trees and though they have had a rough time over the last couple of years, I’m hoping for more than a couple of apples this season.



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