Back to the whales...

Daily Operational Schedule: (Subject to weather and operational factors)
• 0600-0630 Breakfast
• 0630 Anchor up and underway
• 0630-1200 Humpback research
• 1200-1230 Environmental readings
• 1230-1330 Lunch break
• 1330-1630 Humpback research
• 1630-1830 Photo-id archiving, matching and data entry
• 1700 Anchor down
• 1830-1930 Dinner
• 1930-2030 Evening activities.

 I’ve recently been in email contact with the Oceania guys and they’re having an amazing season of data collection, and general awe and wonderment. Such a shame that with Humpbacks back on the menu, that there may be a few less jumping about in the bay next year. After dinner, we're all a bit exhausted from the day’s activities so we sat around in the cabin and listened to a prepared talk by Wally, or we watched a video documentary with a theme applicable to our mission. I was sleeping out doors in a swag rolled out on the bow of the boat. The dew was really heavy and the water ran off the oiled canvas of the swag in rivulets when I crawled out of my sleeping bag in the morning. The whole bay was filled with mist on the last day, and this is some video I took, which features a ‘whitebow’ (a white rainbow.) Click here to visit the web site of the expedition researchers...




  1. [this is good] So. Cool.

  2. I looked for the "white rainbow." Where is it minutes-wise? I can listen to the sound of ocean water all day.

  3. about 22 sec in.
    Looks like the video compression has wiped allot of it out.


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