Kaikoura New Zealand

Continuing the write up on my trip to New Zealand.

I kept forgetting I was in an other country, this seaside town Kaidoura Especially Reminds me of Oz.
Exit the train station and walk to the right, and the road becomes a wide highway lined with chain hotels and eateries (the worst of Oz.) But hang a left, walk through the town, and down the tree lined esplanade beach road, past tiny holiday batches (N.Z. for cottage,) and lapping surf (the best of Oz.)
Originally established as a whaling town, but now the locals make more cash from whale watching and other touristy type activities such as fishing expeditions and scuba diving.
Got sunburnt a second time. I keep forgetting that N.Z. has less ozone layer then Australia.
There is also a Huge blister on my foot from all the ‘tramping’ (N.Z. for walking around) that I’ve been doing.

Was scoffing a breakfast fry-up sitting outside a café, my first morning there, and a Seagull swooped overhead and shat on my plate. A group of them landed on the edge of the roof and hung around watching me. I got the impression that the cheeky buggers did it on purpose, thus forcing me to finish up and move on, leaving the remains of my meal behind. So I waited around until my plate was cleaned up by the café staff.
Now I know that this might sound a bit mad, believing that I was subject to an organised seagull ploy, but there are stories of crows in Japan using cars stopped at traffic lights as nut crackers, and the Minor birds back in Oz are spookily well organised as they swoop around in packs (I know that I group of birds is usually called a flock but watch Indian Minors for a bit and ‘pack’ is a much more apt description.)
If it's true that dinosaurs evolved into birds, then our feathered friends have had a long time to get their shite together.
Kaidoura is more then seals and whale watching. You will not be surprised to read that there is also a major bird nesting site.
Lots of angry parents flapping about, and I took this last video of some geese that walked past me while I was looking at the seals.


  1. I've not seen so many geese in one place! They kinda scare me. They can get very aggressive plus once when I was little I was chased by one (who wasn't a whole lot smaller than I was!) at a park. Yikes.


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