The Pier Hotel : New Zealand

Off the train and straight to the tourist info booth (have I mentioned how really organised the tourist biz is in N.Z?) and made the sort of request that I really hate… ‘Can you find me somewhere to stay that is interesting?’
We spent five minutes working out what she thought I meant by ‘interesting.’
A booking was made and I walked along the esplanade past a bay full of crystal clear water, right to the edge of town. The address I was looking for was an old pub perched almost on the right hand tip of the bay.
This was the view from the beer garden…

Simple old world accommodation upstairs, and really decent food in the restaurant down stairs. It had been bought and renovated by a guy who used to work for a huge motel chain but he had decided that he wanted to do something more personal and something he could call his own.
I hate the carbon copy hotel rooms that have spread across the planet following along behind the MacDonald’s plague and this place felt really comfortable.
There was an old fashioned breakfast room where I got to meet other people staying in the hotel. Spent the day tramping around the coast and evening scoffing great food and drink.
These are a few of the photos that I snapped and they are dedicated to all the geologists out there ;-)

Web Site...

The Pier Hotel
1 Avoca Street
Canterbury, New Zealand

Telephone: (+64) 03 319 5037
Facsimile: (+64) 03 319 6300


  1. [this is good] very nice photos Dave. The panoramic is beautiful. But where is all sheep. I thought New Zealand had tons of sheep? ;-)

  2. very good images you got there. have you tried taking pictures of its volcanic sceneries? new zealand is known for its dynamic environment. its a must see!

  3. Whooooo, baby. Don't let the New Zealander's hear you saying that ;-)
    One of the things I've noticed about traveling, is that everyone has a neighbor who has an unnatural affinity to sheep.
    The English have the same jokes for the Welsh, There is a state in the U.S. (or it could be Canada) that the Americans love to 'stick the Ug boot into.'
    It wasn't the number of sheep that had me boggling. It was the number of vineyards.


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