Mighty Mighty : Venue : Review

Wellington city in New Zealand has two main 'entertainment' strips. Courtney place which is 'main stream' and lined with movie megaplex, strip joints, and bars full of suits. Running perpendicular is Cuba street which has more alternative leanings. The Mighty Mighty bar sits atop of a long flight of stairs that materialize in the wall next to the Mr Bun cafe, once the day crow ds have faded from the Cuba Mall pedestrian precinct. Decor reminded me of the Valhalla in Sydney. Old wood floors, red velvet curtains, bit of a saloon vibe. Friendly staff including a bouncer that smiled and said 'hi' when we entered (which weirded me out cause bouncers don't smile in Sydney unless your 'posse' includes Beyoncé). The eclectic crowd was chilled out (apart from the group of Ygen Spice Girl wannabes that parked themselves next to us). Toilets 'plural' were marked. Their gender orientation less so, and I was forced to lurk about and follow two ...