Flying high.

I'€™m not a fan of flying.

This is not the same as being afraid of flying.

Flying is one of the most unnatural activities a human can be subject to.

It'€™s wrong, and I don't understand why the religious nuts haven'€™t condemned this abomination of god universe.

I'€™ll willingly board a plane, let them bolt the doors closed, and allow two turkeys in the cockpit to chauffeur me to my destination.

But! I'€™m not happy with the situation.

Especially if the plane performs a hard banked turn just after take off, and I'€™m 'lucky' enough to have a window seat on the inside of the turn.

The view is straight down. Exactly the same view that I would have if the plane disintegrated, and I was tipped out into the air.

Propeller driven planes are the worst. When a jet fires up, the whine from the turbines sounds hi-tech.

When a prop starts its engines, it sounds like the dodgy V8 that the local white trash cruise around town in.


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