Garlic is in for 2019

It was a chilly start to the day but by the time I had finished the planting, the air was bright and warm.
Moved the crop back to the front yard this year (read here about last years crop). I'm hoping the break has cleansed the soil of rust spores.
Most people I know have already planted out their garlic in an effort to reduce the impact of rust. I was intending to plant at the beginning of the month but time got away from me.

Click here to see the history of garlic on the property...

I like to lay out the cloves first to better judge spacing and coverage. Then I press them down into the soil.
There are three patches established. One is with the best of last years crop, the second is with some garlic that I had stored in the garage (read about it here...)
The third little patch is for some stiff stalked variety that a mate gave me to try.
This is the first year I haven't bought seed garlic. I'm hoping that the bulbs I've saved from last year 'do the job'.

Dug up the weeds, mustard, and remnants of the summer zucchini. Pulled down the cucumber climbing frame. Had to relocate some beetroot but they don't seem to mind being replanted.
Turned in horse manure, ash, and some coffee grounds to balance out the pH. Finished off with a sprinkling of Roksolid.


I'm distributing the smaller cloves in the centre of the bulbs to friends and neighbours.


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