What's going on with the apples?

This week I noticed that sections of bark seemed to be peeling away on the granny smith tree.
The exposed wood beneath looked like it was dry and dead.

I put a photo up on FB and received suggestions such as salt spray from the beach, possums, slugs, or canker.

Canker seemed the most plausible. After a bit of online research, pruning out the effected wood seemed to be the best option.

The trees are still in their dormant winter phase so removal of extra wood shouldn't be too traumatic for them.

I  pruned the bejezzus out of the granny and two other trees that seemed to have the same problem.


Whilst pruning one of these other trees I discovered a tunnel had formed down a branch. I found something similar when pruning the lemons earlier this year. I cut down far enough to expose this little yellow grub.

Turns our that is is a lemon borer. It's a bit bigger then I expected.
I doused each tree in neem oil to discourage other pests.



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