The great nut experiment continued

I am well knackered.
The weather this week has been pretty much perfect for the planting. It’s been sunny and still.
I also hear that this week is astrally significant for the planting of fruit trees. I’ll take all the help I can ;-)

I’m almost ready to plant.

Spent most of the week digging large holes in the sand. I've learnt a lesson from when I planted the apple trees. These holes are much bigger.


Some rotting wood is thrown in the bottom. Below in the background in the photo on the right you can see one of the new 'spoil' sand dunes that have appeared in the garden.


I’ve been building up a store of soil in one of the front garden beds. (read it here)
This is full of horse manure, leaves, wood chips, grass, and seaweed. The soil in the bed is chock full of worms.


Each hole is filled with soil from the raised bed.

After a layer of soil, a generous dusting of ash. The hole is filled up and it’s ready for planting tomorrow.


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