Tomatoes : Spring : 2021

Just finished conditioning the raised beds and sowing my tomato crop for the year.
Had lots of problems getting seeds to germinate last year. (read here)This year I’m building a mini greenhouse on the bed that will hold the future crop.

Started prepping at the beginning of the week. Weather has been ‘crazy good’ since Monday. Lots of sun and no wind. This garden has been providing me with winter veg.

Transplanted the last of the beetroot to the end of the garden. Might use this spot for some late tomato plants next year.

Removed the center pallet windbreak, cleaned up weeds, and removed a couple of snow pea plants.

Last year I built a compost cube and filled it with horse manure, ash, coffee grounds, mulch.

I’m using the contents to fill my plant pots.

All the weeding is thrown on top of the compost cube to rot down.

Mulched up bags of oak leaves saved from the autumn.

Covered the bed with an oak leaf mulch blanket.

I’ve supported the pots with palings to encourage them to stay upright. Pushed four cloche hoops into the soil.

Distributed out a variety of tomatoes in the pots.



Covered the lot with plastic to create a greenhouse.

This bed is going to be for general summer veg. On top of a layer of horse shit which has been sitting there for a few months, I’ve applied acid coffee grounds, and alkali wood ash.

Neighbour dropped by a load of tree prunings which were mulched and spread over the top.


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