Fess up buddy.

I have a cold today (which sucks cause it’s a Sunday) so I’m spending time catching up with everyone’s responses to the interrogation.
I thought I better play some catch-up…
Gracious Light
What your favourite 'non-tourist trap' places to visit?
13th note café in Glasgow. Classic student hang out with booze and tasty vegi food upstairs, and a basement band space.
(Probably not there any more.)

Tim Gildersleeve
Do you prefer to do touristy activities or just wander around a location?
Bit of both.

What has been your favourite trip so far?
Hard to pick between six weeks in Japan, or ferry hopping through the Greek Islands.

Do you get tempted to live in your travel destinations?
I attempt to stay at a destination for as long as possible. I feel that one is more likely to appreciate a place better if one lives there for an extended period.

Hush Prelude
Would you ever sacrifice a person for the sun god?
Hell yes, but the local government would lock me up for practising eugenics.

What has been your best or most memorable meal while on your travels?
The Japanese are definitely not bland about the things that they eat. A typical breakfast in one of the Ryokans I stayed in once was a spread of tiny bowls containing small highly prepared morsels. One memorable breakfast I was able to eat most things I was served until I picked up a bowl, which contained what looked like slivers of raw flesh (or slugs,) bathed in a pink sauce.
I popped a shred of meat in my mouth and bit down. I was surprised at how tough the sliver was. Unable to munch it up, I tried to swallow it whole. My throat tightened up, and I had the uncomfortable feeling that my stomach had decided to draw a line under all this exotic grub it was expected to process, and it had convinced my throat to close up shop for the day.
Not wanting to offend the hostess, I forced myself to swallow, and had a throat ache for the rest of the day.

What city, state or country have you visited - that you wish you hadn't?
There hasn’t really been anywhere that I regret visiting. Every place has good and bad

What's your favourite travel-related website?
Lonely Planet.


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