Museum of Old and New Art : Hobart Tasmania : Getting there

The professionalism of the MONA facility, for me is highlighted by the number of options available for punters to get to the venue.
You can drive, hire a bike, catch a bus, walk, run, and almost certainly swim to the site.

I caught the ferry out to the gallery. A return ticket and gallery entrance can be bought as a bundle at the bright purple MONA booking office down on the waterfront.


After departure, a live commentary was provided by the captain. He highlighted points of interest such as the Botanical Gardens, and the site of a collision between a the bulk carrier Lake Illawarra and the Tasman bridge back in the Seventies.
Read about it here...
Arrow marks missing pylon

The wreck is still there under the bridge 20 meters down. My mate, a Hobart local reckons they wouldn't be here today if her parents hadn't stopped to pick up a hitchhiker. They just missed falling through the gap and into the drink.
Checking us out

We cruised past a small bay and saw 'pre-Anglo history' Aboriginal cave dwellings, and caught a glimpse of a White-bellied Sea-Eagle (nests of which I'm told, can be as large as a double bed).
Read about it here...
Not so interested anymore

30 minutes from the MONA Brooke St ferry terminal (Hobart) $15 return per person
Depart Hobart 9.30am, 11am, 12pm, 1.30pm, 2.30pm, 4.30pm, 5.30pm, 6.45pm*
Depart MONA 10am, 11.30am, 12.45pm, 2pm, 3.30pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7.30pm*


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