Aviary vs Instagram vs Vignette : Review

Aviary is an free image processing App which will grab your photos using the Android Camera App or pull them in from your phones gallery.

Aviary is a powerful photo editor which we created because we wanted a quick and easy way to edit our photos on the go with no fuss.
We’ve included all the tools you need, in a super intuitive interface so you can get right to editing.
✮ One-tap auto enhance
✮ 12 FREE photo effects
✮ Fun stickers
✮ Color balance
✮ Crop and rotate
✮ Adjust brightness, contrast, color temperature, and saturation
✮ Sharpen and blur
✮ Draw and add text
✮ Create your own memes
✮ Cosmetic tools: fix redeye, remove blemishes and whiten teeth

 Aviary Photo Editor

Full size images from phone. Click to see full size...
See also Panorama discussed here


The look of Aviary is strongly reminiscent of Instagram.
I like that the first thing the user arrives at upon loading up the app is the last photo you took.

Clean looking interface with components sliding in and out.

The tool drawer running along the bottom of the edit screen is a little obscure. Eventually I noticed that running along the bottom of the strip was a series of pips that allude to extra functions. It took me a while to work out that I could swipe the strip to reveal extra buttons.

I would have preferred a little more sign posting such as...

Button 'hint' suggestion

The App could use an undo or step back control (like the circular backwards rolling that one of the
sketchpad apps has) to encourage experimentation.


In my last blog entry I wished that Instagram would also share to Google+. That was before the Facebook purchase so I guess there is no chance that Google+ will be supported no.
Aviary has a sharing 'dropdown' on it's home screen. Accesses all Android sharing enabled functions.

Edit image

Some nice filter options arrive standard but the user can't turn frames off like other two

Some nice filters

Picture processing modules can be purchased as 'in app' upgrades. Aviary is kind of different to most App producers in that their business is more providing tools for other App designers. This Package is a 'showcase' of their tech which includes these downloadable effects.

There are several options for one button improving of photos, which Instagram also supports, but vignette doesn't.

It's a good idea to try them all to see what happens to the image. The 'night' option worked really well on the toadstool, so you never know what might work. 
Much like Instagram
Did a nice job
Less contrast

'Night' options did a good job improving this photo below...
Unprocessed shot
'Night' processed shot

Scribble on image
Blur & sharpen
Cool or warm up
Cropping options
Drawing on the image is supported. The brush lays down a hard stroke of colour. There is no 'airbrush' option that I could find so don't look for any subtle colourings or 'burning' in on your photos.
Dial control for warmth and phone vibrates when dial is pushed. Brilliant interface detail!
Lots of great cropping options


Minimal settings but there is a nice option to reduce clutter in the interface and turn off tools you don't use regularly

Basic settings

Nice that one can choose tool-set


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