Vivid festival Light Walk : Wrap up

Was crazy packed on the last Saturday evening of Vivid. At one point in front of the MCA, no one in the crowd was able to move much at all, and a safety barrier was split so pressure could be released a bit and folk could clamber over the earthworks.

Heard someone comment on how everyone was wearing black because it was winter. Have Sydneysiders turned into Melbonites?

Really liked how interactive a lot of Vivid is this time around. What with the prevalence of video games and internet, the kids love it and it makes art more accessible for the masses.

Saw a couple of Sea Shepard boats docked at the international terminal and they were running tours of the boats. Made a nice change from the 'fat cat' pleasure liners that usually tie up there.

Walked over to Walsh bay which had some nice pieces but was a bit sterile in comparison.

The traffic round the rocks area was insane. why do people still bother to drive into the Sydney CBD?


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