Cider decider : Round Two

Back for round two. It's the great Cider tastings.
(Round one can be found here...)


  • I'm finding that a lot of the ciders are sweet or sour. I wish there were a few more 'dry' options on the market.

Cheeky Rascal Summer Berry

Lois: I could drink 'too many' of these. Strong alcohol. You could get pretty hammered with this one.
Bunny: Sweet cherry infused champagne. I could drink this till the cows come home.
Dave: Sherbet flavoured liquid Rohypnol.

Cheeky Rascal Strawberry And Pear

Lois: Almost syrupy
Bunny: Tastes like someone put a dollop of syrup in to make up for flavour. Bit 'let down' when compared to Summer Berry
Dave: Less Sweet, Smells strongly of strawberry. I like it better then the Summer Berry. Less busy flavour.

Cheeky Rascal Pear

Lois: More traditional feel (Lois has first burp at the three ciders mark).
Bunny: Plays it safe.
Dave: Less Sweet, less syrupy.

Origin: Victoria

Three Kings

Lois: Nondescript. The sort of person you want to be at work.
Bunny: Cheap and nasty. Like a weak White Lightning (U.K. Tramp drink).
Dave: If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Note: Strongbow White Lightning? I liked that 'back in the day'!

Capt. Blighs (finally one from Tazzie)

Lois: looks like unhealthy wee. Where's the flavour. Note: she couldn't finish the glass.
Bunny: Struggling to see the USP. Comatosed my taste buds.
Dave: Nice and dry. I like the cloudy look. Reminds me of Coopers.

Origin: Tasmania

Dirty Granny

Lois: Nondescript. Inoffensive. Unremarkable.
Bunny: (Burp!) Stock standard cider. No surprises
Dave: (Burp!) Clean taste. Smells like apples.

Origin: Victoria

Five Seeds

Lois: Inoffensive.
Bunny: Don't mind it. Strikes a nice balance of sweetness and sharpness.
Dave: (first wee) Sour.

Origin: Australia

Monteiths crushed pear

Lois: (Surprised) 'I like it'
Bunny: Pleasant sweet, inoffensive. It's good.
Dave: It's good but not as good as the Crushed Apple.

Origin: New Zealand


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