Castlepoint : Saterday

View of lighthouse rock from caravan park

Castle point is a holiday village 164 km, 3 hours out of Wellington if your travelling on State Highway 2
We spent the weekend there in a hired batch (batch is Kiwi for beach house.)
We drove up on Friday night, picked up the key which was sitting in a letterbox, and found our selves in an airy, two story house which pretty much sat in the middle of the surf rolling up on the beach.

ground floor smelt a bit fishy so we opened up some windows,
unpacked the car, found our beds,
We dumped a Bakels multi grain bread mix in the machine and programmed it to start up in the morning.

Better surfing to be had in sheltered bay
Morning dawned bright and clear on a series of fishing boats leaving the bay at irregular intervals. There must be a cave under the lighthouse perched on a spar of rock guarding the bay. I noticed a regularly exhaled mist floating in the morning light. Best air freshener ever, is freshly baked bread!

I brewed up a coffee and sat on the batches back lawn and watched teenage girls walk left to right slurping breakfast tubs of ice cream, and boys walking right to left with boogie boards under their arms.
A few people were out surfing the shallow waves. One of our party thought they saw a dark shadow in the water behind one of the boogie boarders. They thought it was a fish, I thought it could have been a shark.
We spent the day snooping around the tiny village. The residences ranged from simple to pretty posh. We popped in to the local caravan park to check it out for possible future holidays.



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