Castlepoint : Suicide rock

There is a story associated with this spar of rock...

About 1525 AD a young woman Te Aohuruhuru lived together with an old man who had forcefully abducted her from her husband Takaroupoko. After she had lived with the old man for a long time he turned to insulting her.

One warm night her garments had slipped off while she was sleeping. He woke up his elderly friends to show the beauty of his young wife to them.

While they were looking at her she awoke. Filled with shame she decided to end her life.

She climbed on a certain precipitous rock where her husband and his friends could see and hear her

from sea where they were fishing. She sang a song:

“While I lay exposed in my sleep The fire was kindled to burn brightly and I was a laughing stock"

When her song was ended she leaped from the rock to destroy herself. And to this very day we

still remember the name of this rock, Te Rerenga 0 Te Aohuruhuru.

Now I get that her intent was to shame the old man, but when he saw tumbling body, I bet you the first thing he said was...
'Bugger, now I have to go and kidnap another one!'

I'm also a bit disappointed that her husband didn't undertake an epic journey to reclaim her.



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