Earthworks continued, or 'learn to eat sand'!
New holes dug, and the filling in of old holes with fish heads, bamboo, and grapes.
This is a sequel to my previous post (click here)
A huge hole was dug out the back between two of the apple trees. The intention is to fill it with compost and eventually replace all the sand between the trees with nutrient rich soil.

My biggest problem now is what to do with the new sand dune sitting in the backyard.
Have to release those grains back into the wild.
Still amazed at what is dug up out of the back yard.

I’ve cleaned out the tiny strip of garden that ran along the side of the house and planted some bamboo (Bambusa oldhamii). Had to hire a breaker to knock down the short stone wall.

Turns out there are two types of bamboo, the invasive runner, and the less troublesome clumping type. With this clumping variety, I’m hoping to screen the neighbours back door a bit, as well as have some construction material and edible shoots available.
Bamboo arrived in a box. You can get almost anything home delivered these days.

The evil smelling asparagus patch continues to have fish, comfrey, and horse shit added to it.
Have to keep it covered to keep out the chickens, dogs, and cats that roam about the town.
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