Tech in gardening, fooling about with Google Android AR app 'JustALine'

An interesting app was dropped this week and I loaded it up on my Pixel 2.

I call it the virtual garden label system. You can call it JustALine (

This app uses the phone to draw in the real world space.
It’s just a demo so doesn't save it’s drawings but it could turn into something really useful.
All my plant labels are fading so it would be nice to have a virtual record of everything. Great for mapping out the future of the garden too.
With the data this thing collects, it shouldn't be too hard to generate a 3D map of the garden to run in a browser.

While it doesn't save any AR data, t does save a short vid and I added some comments when I posted it on FB...
If the drawing were persistent, you could mark where you grew stuff, where you buried stuff, what did you add to that bit of ground, pathways to find stuff, put labels everywhere without turning your garden into scribbled mess.
You could leave detailed instructions to other people of where exactly to dig!

Today, I went out in the garden and fooled about a bit. It’s surprisingly robust and worked within a decently sized area.

I am planning on planting two plums here in the winter and so I drew out sketches of what they might look like.

I prepared a plot and half planted it with saffron. If I had this app earlier, and it saved drawings, I could have marke exactly where I planted the bulbs so that I didn’t mistake them for weeds when they appear.

Great for sign posting without having physical signposts everywhere.


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