(part 4) People round here get creative when they need to protect their produce

In the past couple of years gardening, I've made several attempts at controlling the impact of local wild life on my garden. One year on the raised gardens, I tried a couple of things. The planks between the tomato plants worked quite well. The frost cloth protecting seedlings less so. Break apart a shipping pallet and leave holes for lettuce to grow through. Once the plants are big enough to survive bird and cat meddling, I remove the boards. Nothing slows down birds quite like fence mesh and some planks. This instillation was protecting saffron. I've cut up plastic milk bottles and made small walls around the base of plants in an attempt to stop slugs. The theory is that they get to the rough lip and turn back. No idea how successful this has been slowing down the slugs but it reduces the smothering of debris from birds foraging nearby .