Spring cleaning in the garden

Got a lot done this week. Had a helper staying with me and we attacked a lot of the uncontrolled growth from over the winter months.

The porch garden had been allowed to run wild so we ripped it all up, built a small brick retaining wall, and planted some zucchini here...

This is the new perennial zone. All the unwanted plants were removed.

Leaving behind lettuce, comfrey, manuka, and sprouting broccoli.

Scored some sunflower seeds from a local real estate agents letterbox drop.

I've never grown them before and I hope they do well here in this sunny freshly cleared spot. We dug out the sandy soil around the roots of the trees I wanted to keep, and dumped in a couple of trailer loads of horse manure. Then I spread some compost soil over the top.

I’ve covered the fresh soil in branches to slow down the little bastards

Back garden was comprehensively denuded. The compost holes are almost higher than the apple trees.


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