Why I've gone electric everything

All the power tools on my property are battery driven. This is why...

Less noise pollution
With the bonus of more safety because ear protection isn’t necessary.
The tool doesn't idle so when it's not doing something, it's off.

Air pollution
No fumes from from running it.
Could use the chainsaw indoors with no issues if I wanted too.

Don't need to fuss about mixing 2 stroke, and have never visited a petrol station to restock. As long as there is an electrical outlet somewhere it works.
I had a cousin with a similar sized gas chainsaw. They both ran for about the same time.

Tends to be lighter
Motors can be placed in novel positions to improve balance.

Simpler to service.
No clutch, spark plugs, ripcord, etc.

Less vibration
I used a ICE line trimmer for half a day a couple of weeks back. When I finished I noticed the nerves in my hands were ‘fizzing’.

Much easier to start
no ripcord or starter motor.

I've yet to come across a job the electric tools can't manage. I cut down these trees with the Stihl.



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