Covid 19 : Day 39 of lock-down : End of this era

During the lock-down, each day there are a couple of things I really look forward to.
In the mornings Munro post a gradual dismantling of the Tesla Y.

In the afternoon, the anti-vaxxer folk jump onto FB so I get to have a bit of a giggle.
I’ve noticed that the augment that ‘the flu kills more people in a year’ has evaporated?
That might be because in four months, Covid has now killed more people then the flu..
Google reckons that as of today, 67,046 people have died in the U.S. from this virus.

I think that this is going to be my last daily post. Everything seems to be getting back to normal. Roads are filling up, and people are going back to work. There were no zombies, no riots.
The whole CV19 thing has been a bit anticlimactic. The most interesting thing about the pandemic these days is watching the U.S. spiral out of control.

The N.Z. government paid a wage to everybody that couldn't work from home, to stay home, so we did.
I was reading an article on why New Zealand has been so successful in quashing the virus. One of the reasons that stood out to me, was that the author felt that New Zealanders trusted their government. If you look around the world, you can see that a lot of people just don't trust their government.
This is something I noticed when I was traveling in the US back in the 90s. There are a lot of people who support gun ownership just in case they need to take up arms against their government.

It's interesting just how many people don't like cooking. During the lock-down products like flour disappeared off the shelves, because everybody was at home baking.
But as soon as the lock-down was eased, people flocked to the takeaway outlets. To the point where McDonald's ran out of food.

I’ve been watching this old show called Carnaval ‘on demand’. It’s a fantasy set during the depression and it reminds me of reading Grapes of Wrath at high school. What with the current unemployment numbers, could we see something like this again in the U.S?

It’s been such a lovely holiday, but now everyone that couldn’t work from home is going back to work.
I’ll go back to weekly blog posts, with maybe the odd extra if I feel particularly inspired.


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