Breaking wind again (update)

At the beginning of of September, I started constructing a non-permanent windbreak structure (read about it here)

The aims of this project are…

To be easily taken down in the summer once the winds have moved on
To not be a barrier to the wind but to take some energy out of it
To be recyclable.The bamboo I can mulch and the pallets will find other uses around the property.
To allow me and the street to continue to interact.

The angled pallet construction interleaves with a row of lavender bushes that have been struggling to grow behind the fence line. Though they now have to put up with more shade, I’m hoping that they will also be a bit more protected from the winds.

I gathered some more pallets and bamboo cuttings to finish off the length of the front fence.

There are now a lot more, and taller, bamboo stalks inserted into the pallet frame.

As soon as I got it all finished the spring westerlies started up, and half of the pallet units got blown over.

I found some old bits of pallet around the property and used them to fashion angled struts.

The previous structure I built to protect the lemons also got some bamboo inserts (read about it here). 


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