Where did this damn Southerly come from?

I hate constant driving wind as much as I hate a day of constant sun blasting down on a cloudless day.
On Wednesday we had both.

If I stuck my head outside, I could feel the water being roasted out of my skin and whisked away by the gusts. I put some sun block on and felt like a sun dried tomato in oil.

The neighbour behind me reckons driving wind gives him migraines. I don't doubt it.

Weather should be moderate and variable. Constant anything gets boring quickly.

The Zucs where thrashing about so badly that I decided to pop out and lop off a few leaves, intending to save the roots being rocked out of the soil.

One of the plants didn’t survive intact. this one had the central spine snapped off at the top.

The staked zucs did do better in the wind and I'm thinking a ring cage would help restrain movement like the arrangement around the Cape gooseberry.

I've been experimenting with growing zucs vertically. I’m thinking that a single stake isn't going to do it. The zucs have a strong opinion on where they would like to grow.  A ‘cage’ also might be a better plan for controlling the direction of the plant.

There were a few zucs large enough to have a meal, and I dropped some down at the surplus food stall. Hoping to make back the cost of the seedlings.

Found some multi-coloured corn kernels in the seed box last week and decided to see if they were still viable. Planted then amongst the, zucs and they are beginning to shoot.

Some plants were looking a bit limp so Changed watering schedule to every two days.


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