The 'big dry' broke just as I was going to plant the saffron

This week it rained! Well ok... it was super moist! Anyway.

A heavy ‘mist sort of rain’ coated everything outside with a glistening film of water.
It didn’t look like the weather was going to dump anything heavier so I planted out the saffron.

A couple weeks back I had dug a hole almost a meter deep and filled it with well matured horse shit.
Into that I dropped handfuls of seaweed and comfrey and chopped them all through the horse manure.

Shoveled in a layer of compost to bring the level up to about fifteen centimeters (reading from the packet insructions).

Lined up the saffron corms ten centermeters apart (also from packet).

Filled everything in with crumbly compost mix leaving plenty of room for expanding the crop if they thrive

Laid some mulch over the top to keep the water in and then some fence wire to keep the little buggers out.


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