Managing the abundance of summer

The zucchini and cucumber are drinking up the sun and rain and are fruiting like mad. As a response to the explosion, I’ve made piccalilli for the first time.

The idea to make this condiment came to me after I had decided I was bored with making zucchini fritters, zucchini omelette, zucchini chips, zucchini crustless quiche, etc.
The numbers of bottled cucumbers were advancing across the shelf so I needed a new spin. 

There is a half full jar of the commercial piccalilli sitting in the fridge. Maybe like mayonnaise, I can rid myself of another store bought product?

I harvested a large zuc that was making the bolt to marrow status, clipped a couple of cucumbers, and found a few capcicums that had survived the catapillers.


After the storms we had this month, I noticed several posts on Facebook from people who had lost tomato plants, and now had a heap of green tomatoes that they had to dispose of.

For my part, I've lost a couple of plants to stem rot.

I found this recipe for piccalilli which solves the problem of the zuc and cucs. and I can use up my green tomatoes.

Decided to include this monster tomato. It's been hanging around for months. It doesn't ripen, it just gets bigger. I'm losing patience.
It's like a huge green weight holding the plant back buy sucking up nutrients before they can climb higher.

When I split it open I discovered that it was mostly heart which was perfect for the purpose.

This is the River cottage recipe that I'm using...

I used to enjoy Huge until he 'jumped the shark'.
Probably around the time he cut his hair.

The veg needs twenty four hours in a salt bath so the next day I cooked up the spices in apple vinegar (it's also local Once it had started boiling the kitchen filled with that classic piccalilli smell.
After sealing in jar’s the stew needs to ‘age’ so I can’t tell how successful I’ve been for another six weeks.

Stay tuned.


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