Vegetable gymnasium

A few weeks back a mate dumped a load of bamboo at my place (detailed here).
Having to clear this pile inspired me to create some gym apparatus for the plants in one of the raised gardens.

Cucumbers have a standing mesh to climb. I find that I’m spending a lot of time grooming this burgeoning wall o leaves. Possibly more time then I spend clipping and preening the tomatoes. I haven't had many cucumbers so fat this year so I’m thinking that the plants are putting all their energies into climbing?

The Cape gooseberry had some fruit on it when I purchased it from the nursery and those are starting to ripen. After planting it, I was advised to pinch off the tops of the few spindly canes to improve bulk. The plant seems to be filling out now.

The two ‘spires’ I constructed now have peas clinging to the base. I’ve lost a few plants from lack of watering. I’m watching the ones that are left closely.

The beans are just starting to reach for the parallel bars.

My attempts to control the zucchini with posts is hit and miss. This is my most successful example.


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