Ash is a major component in my garden mix

We said 'goodbye' to daylight savings here in Aotearoa and I’m continuing with the Autumn jobs. One of which is getting the fire wood ‘sorted’ for winter.
I have a wood fired range and that provides me with lots of raw ‘ex-tree’ material

I burn untreated wood in the stove, and spread the ash on the garden. The asparagus patch I’m developing is currently getting the lion's share.

This is my jury rigged lecky chainsaw sharpening jig

My other tools include a splitting axe and brace that I knocked up out of pallet wood. I’ve designed it so I can cut lengths that neatly fill up the firebox in the stove.


The wood shed is full of sectioned lengths, banksia and pine cones.

Ok winter, do your worst! Happy Easter folks.


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