Awhi Farm : Rainy days and Mondays always bring me down

Started raining round nine last night. The showers continued this morning and dragged on during the day. Didn't flood here like it did in Auckland.

The Awhi farm Wwoofer crew spent the day in the squash club.
We cut up and juiced apples for a potent cider that the resident German mad scientist brews in his caravan.

Had to give the poor old juicer appliance an occasional breather to cool down, when we noticed an electrical tinged burning odor wafting about the room.

There is a Permaculture coarse on this week for paying participants. To make the squash center a little more comfortable as the weather cools, we cleaned it from top to bottom, and fixed up the curtains which separate the courts from the lounge area.

The Neighbouring Squash club is where we go to shower and Awhi farm uses it as an administration and media center.


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