Timber Trail Center : Ongarue : Power went out

There are now three of us working under the direction of 'Steve the builder'. A nineteen year old student from England, a twenty-something French tool maker, and me. We've been ripping doors out of walls, and cutting holes in other walls, and stuffing those doors into the new holes, and filling the first holes we made with new doors. During the day there was a most excellent earthquake. I felt the building shudder and thought, 'that was a big gust of wind'! Then thought, 'hang on, there isn't any wind blowing'?!?! The power went out, and we still had a couple of hours left in the working day. We were fitting a new set of French doors to one of the rooms in the Wwoofer accommodation building. We borrowed a generator from a neighbour across the road, to finish the work. During the remainder of the day we plugged into it's socket, drills, circular saws, water jugs, and mobile phones. No power means no internet, so the only info we had on the earthquak...