Timber Trail Center :  Ongarue : Sheep contained (sort of)

Inserted posts to stop them squeezing through
Found the sheep standing in the front of the gate this morning.

They gave me that meaningful 'please open this gate' look.

I shooed them back into their paddock.

As I closed the gate behind them they trotted off to the far side of the field. The cows ignored the pair, and the alpaca munched mouthfuls of grass and watched them with glassy detachment.

I spent half of the day trying to find out how they were getting out of their field. I'd be working in the compound, and randomly turn around to find the pair munching on grass or tree saplings.

I herd them back into their field and then do a circuit of the fence to close off any exits I could find. The alpaca heads rotate on their tall necks watching the drama unfold.

Curious to go out tomorrow and see if I've out smarted them?

Leaving traces of their escape
Attempt at keeping them in


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