Timber Trail Center :  Ongarue : The last days of the sheep

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The sheep have been shorn, and are supposed to be penned up in a neighbouring public stock yard.
Some how they keep getting out of the yard, and our theory is one of the disgruntled locals is releasing them from the pens deliberately. This person is then calling up the council to complain about the sheep loose in the village.

We're all getting pretty tired of the sheep antics. They were just too independently minded so they have been drenched in preparation for slaughter.

Since their time on this earth is limited, we've been letting them do what they want.
It's now that we see the full depth of their 'self possession'.

Despite being allowed to wander about the village, they have decided that they now want to be back inside the property bounds. Have they picked up on our 'don't give a fuck what you do now' vibes?

A couple of times we've noticed them strolling about inside the compound, attempting to eat the chicken feed.
If it rains they mooch around the perimeter looking for shelter.
Steve the builder had the radio on and they sauntered over and hung around his truck. Do they like Bon Jovi?

There is a story about how they were rounded up by someone in the village, and penned up with other sheep. The pair scaled an aluminium fence to escape.
I'm told that they were hand-reared orphans. Probably associated themselves more with humans then with other sheep.
The sheep in the field next door are in a decent sized herd and they stay put. Steve reckons sheep that aren't bought up in a large group don't develop the 'herd mentality'.


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