Covid 19 : Day three of lock-down : Cabin fever already?

Proper rain set in last night and is still going strong this morning.
The rain is being pushed up here by some strong southerlies. Going to be an indoor day I reckon.

Sent out an email to anyone who doesn't regularly post on FB to see how they were going.

Speaking of FB, I’m finding that this event is helping me work out who has common sense, who has a sense of humour, and who is susceptible to conspiracy theories.

There are the obvious ones who have always been part of the tin foil hat army, but it takes some sort of traumatic event to prod some people to ‘let their freak flag fly’.

Lunch rolls around and I’m still in my pyjamas. Cracked open a two-year old jar of pickled cucumber and layered up some open face, cheese and pickle sarnies.

Real quiet. Like super quite. Just the sound of the wind in the trees and roof. Very Wuthering Heights.
Someone started a car a couple of hours back, but I don’t think they drove it anywhere?

So far everybody seems to be complying with the government directives. I'm curious to see what it's going to be like in a couple of weeks once the cabin fever sets in, proper like.

Still no zombies out on the streets. Early days though, so something still to look forward to. Will we get classic 'slow and shambling', or those re-imagined sprinting ones?

Finished processing the grapes with a mouli.

Not completely sure what to do with the jug of extreme purple stuff. Mate reckons some people use it to replace cranberry sauce.

Sun came out this arvo but the wind is still howling. Less Wuthering Heights now, more Twister.

On the news this week, it turns out Aotearoa makes its own masks, and a brewing Co. down south is converting gin to hand sanitizer. What with all the food we grow and plenty of hydro, we should be ok down here on the bottom of the world.

Also in the news, Indian cops are caning people and forcing them to do push ups if found to be not ‘self isolating’. Sounds like a Monty Python skit where school masters are patrolling the streets.


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