Deb and Fred : Whanganui : A rainy dawn broke across the river.

Ex plum tree
I drove out to 'the section' with Fred (Wwoofer host).
It's a plot of land that they acquired when the commune they were a part of back in the sixties dissolved.

We jumped in the truck and followed the Wanganui river as it cut through the town and out into the countryside.

Through a gate held up by two ancient looking curvy stone walls was a field few horses were chomping at the grass.
The block of land has an orchard of plum, Fujoha, Mandarin, and orange trees. Fred pointed out the spot where the heritage plum used to stand.

Our chores for the day are mainly grass control using a motorised mower and strimmer. 

I'm enjoying mowing the lawn. Reminds me of game spec I created for warthog (click here to see).

Discovered a strange fruiting fern tree


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