Deb and Fred : Whanganui : Holy

Woke up to a sunny morning and the river at the bottom of the garden was a bit swollen from the nights rain. I sat on the back balcony scoffing porridge and watched branches and the odd tree float down towards the sea.

Jess the dog killed a mouse that was hiding in the garden bags that were piled up out side the garage.

We dug up several fruit trees from the neighbours back yard  The couple next door wanted to thin out the numbers of fruit tree they had out in their garden.
Previous owners had gone mad and planted peaches, plums, and apricots in any spare space they could find.
I had to carefully dig out one large plum that was inserted In a gap between a boundary fence and the wall of a greenhouse. Shifting soil with a trowel at one point in a effort not to break a pane of glass.

Some of the tress are headed to the river side property. The others are being planted out at a communal living situation that is being established on the edge of town.
Deb and Fred have got together with some of their old commune mates to start a new venture.
They all get a section of land for a house, and they share the surrounding property.

Hole what I have dug


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