Deb and Fred : Whanganui : Home grown milk

Deb took me out on an excursion to collect their milk for the week.

She drove a short distance out of town and pulled onto a farm.

We stopped the car outside a shed. Once inside, she pulled two large jars out of a gently humming fridge. Each jar had a really thick layer of real cream floating on top of of a taller layer of milk.

She left some money in an envelope as payment. it turns out that this milk is half the price of the stuff in the shops.
I'm told that this farm has more then eighty clients. Each has a 'pick up' day of the week assigned.

We had an apple Tarte Tatin for desert that night. It was so novel to watch deb ladle cream out of the top of the jar for drizzling over our wedges of pie.

Deb and Fred get most of their produce locally , and grow a bit out at their properties.

The eggs we picked up from a mail box up the other end of town.


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