Blogger App : Google : Updated

[update] Here's what I reckon would be useful. Google should design a single text formatting module much like the keyboard facility that most Android Apps access. this facility can work on data 'on' and 'off' line. Apps such as Blogger and Docs can call this module and access 'rich' text editing with the usual fort of functions that are lined up across the top of a Google text entry dialogue on their web applications (things like bold/italic/underline, colour, remove formatting, add image, link, etc). Blogger App, Gmail, and Docs could all have the same functionality and the interfaces would be similar.
Actually, why can't this functionality be bolted straight into the 'keyboard' facility. Then any App could make use of 'rich' text manipulation? Something similar happens at present when a 'entry feild' is selected and the keyboard entry window slides up.

I've decided it's time to remove the official Google Blogger app from my phone. I was using it to 'blog on the run'.

It's not my favorite app and now it's stopped syncing with the blogger servers. Worked fine until I edited some entries online, and now the phone app is stuck displaying a defunct list of blog entries.
I thought I had fixed it by calling up the App settings and deleting all its associated data.
Unfortunately when the app restarted and loaded in the list of blog entries the error was still apparent.

No big loss, the App is pretty basic. Feels like they wrote it so that they could say they supported mobile blogging, without making too much of an effort to build something useful (what Google should do is grab the code from Gmail and adapt that).

Things that bug me are...
I can embed photos but there is no easy way to embed my YouTube videos.
Wish the App could auto-complete tag entry, cause reducing typing on a phone should be a top priority.

Not up to scratch


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