Riverboat country : three: Mississippi

The next morning I follow my nose downstairs, and entered the dining room to find a beach-head of an amazing multi-course breakfast had been establish by the Colonel on the long polished dining table. I accepted a cup of coffee and told him that I’ll wait for Stu to appear before I started the assault.
After a second cup and a nibble of toast,‘his lordship’ still hadn’t made an appearance. I’m wondering if maybe Stu didn’t make it back from last night, but the Colonel is sure that he heard him come in?
I go up and take a rec of his room. The bed is made, and there is no sign of Stu.

‘Aassuming that Stu’s stayed over with the salesman,’ I notify the Colonel of the change of plans and I start eating.
The old solder is certain that he heard someone come in, and goes up to look for himself.

‘Stu is up there, He's in the bathroom.’ The Colonel reports.
I climb the stairs once again, walk straight through Stu's room, and take a peek into the attached bathroom. He's passed out on the tiles, arms wrapped around the toilet bowl,

I finish breakfast and settle in the TV room to sample the delights of American cable and wait. We were supposed to be visiting important industry compliance people that day.

The phone rings.
It was our branch manager.
'Is Stu there he said?'
‘Of course he is' said I.
'Good, keep him there today, and don't let him go down to the beach.' he warns, and hangs up.
What the heck is going on here? I’m thinking.
To be continued…


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