Googles self drive car : cont.
Continuing this post...
I want to add robot buses to my 'can't get here soon enough' list.
Landed at the airport this week and hopped on a bus.
The driver was a 'dawdler'. He wasn't interested in the passengers getting to destinations in good time. On this day the driver waited for extended periods just after bus stops, and at one point hopped out of the drivers seat (without turning off the engine) and bought a hand of bananas from a nearby fruit shop.
The sooner humans don't have to waste valuable brain cells on piloting public transport, the better.
Driver-less cars will allow the
driver to experience travel like the passenger does.
To be in a position to
fully appreciate their surroundings.
I'm reminded of a time
when i was on a road trip to Glasgow (Bunkum Backpackers : Glasgow ) with a mate.
She managed to eat a hamburger,
light and smoke a cigarette, and removed her bra with out exposing any skin while driving a borrowed Daihatsu .
Googles driver-less would have
made the whole experience a lot more relaxing for me.
Sans human taxi
- No need to worry about whether you should tip or not if your visiting the U.S.
- No language problems communicating where you want to go.
- No driver body odour issues.
I want to add robot buses to my 'can't get here soon enough' list.
Landed at the airport this week and hopped on a bus.
The driver was a 'dawdler'. He wasn't interested in the passengers getting to destinations in good time. On this day the driver waited for extended periods just after bus stops, and at one point hopped out of the drivers seat (without turning off the engine) and bought a hand of bananas from a nearby fruit shop.
The sooner humans don't have to waste valuable brain cells on piloting public transport, the better.
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