Instagram vs. Vignette : Review : Round Two

Cont. from this article...

What I'd like to see is someone do this 'retro' effect with motion. I want to shoot a peice of video on my phone and apply an effect that makes it look like 8mm film, or 'steven speilburg during the seventies', or like the Keystone Cops, or Bleach Bypass so it looks a bit art house.

Been using Instagram over Easter and have some more comments...

The Instagram Devs seem to be working as hard as the Vignette ones. An update has already appeared in the App store.
There is a single button which does a 'beauty pass' on the image. I would describe this button as...
 'imagine you took all the 'auto' image filters in Photoshop, added a dash of the 'shadow/Highlights' function, and you'd get a similar result.'

I discovered that iPhone folk are a bit excitable. This Tweet appeared in my stream...

RT @jayong28 iPhone users disgusted that @Instagram is now on Android. #NoProblemUseCamera+ #BetterThanInstagram

… and this article popped up in my RSS reader...

… which make me think that a comment I made...
I get Instagram now.
It's from the iPhone world so it needs to keep things simple in case it over heats a users brain.
In the Android world brains don't over heat so easily.

… wouldn't be treated with the levity it requires.

(Update) So today it turns out that Facebook has bought Instagram (and the fanboys are more pissed off about that then the Android App).

Vignette saves images 'full size' but Instagram shrinks them down to little squares. Here's some images comparing the visual options of the two Apps...


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