Day 3 : Where I ask 'When did god start listening to me'?


Yesterday I just wanted the muggy heat to end. Today the temperature dropped away and I'm standing in the cold rain waiting for the AA to show up and kickstart the vans battery.

I ran the battery down while sitting in the van all morning writing and running the little electric cooler I have. Noticed at one point that the whirring sound it makes was fainter. Looked down and notice the fan spinning at a slower rate. Realisation dawned and I jumped into the drivers seat, turned the key in the ignition, and discovered that I'd drained all the juice. Running the radio last night probably didn't help.

Also managed to blow a fuse in the dash, when I plugged the 12v electric jug into the socket. Took the radio with it.

This weather is good for taking a break from moving around, to sit and catch up on writing, and the video work. Hanging around for the AA to arrive also allows one to 'smell the roses'.

I'm sitting in the back of the rejuvenated van after breakfast. I'm watching some sheep try to escape their pen next to the grounds through the back window, and above me through the moon roof, a grey rainy sky through the branches of the tree that I've sheltered under. I'm listening the plunk from drops hitting the roof.

I'm not sure what the sheep are after, cause on this side of the fence the scabby grass is clipped very short and tidy and doesn't look very appetizing.

Called on account of rain

I spent most of the day in the library editing video, and catching up on Current Affairs.
Thought the whole day was going to be spent on my arse, when some sun rays bursting through the clouds during the afternoon.

I jumped in the van and cruised up to explore the road I'd discovered yesterday. It led me on a meandering track up through the middle of the wind farm.
I thought it was cool that there were sheep and cows wondering about chomping grass beneath the spinning blades.

I got back late and decided it was time to cook up all the meat in the cooler. The box does keep things chilled but I'm thinking that I might be stretching my luck with the meat.
Milk though seems to be surviving quite well.

One of the zucchinis My cousin's wife has given from her garden that is as thick as a babies arm so I cut up three slices almost a centimetre thick and fried them up with the chorizo and capsicum and onion. Squeezed some whole grain mustard onto the sausages. Ate out of pan with red wine.

There is no photo of this meal as it was pitch black when I ate it.


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