First night on forgotten highway

Wanted to find a spot to camp, so I could start the Forgotten Highway fresh in the morning.

Was getting a bit desperate, so I pulled into a derelict 'rest point' on the side of the road.

The picnic table was rotting away, and a farm house sat on cliff above me. There were no toilets and the main feature was several piles of gravel, possible waiting to be laid on a road some where.

I made dinner and walked off down the road to explore and talk to the cows who had been watching me over a fence since I had arrived.

I soon found some rail tracks cutting across the road. Couldn't work out whether the railway was in use as the rails looked rusted, but there was some shininess on the top surface.

I followed the rails for a short distance and found two little cars, a derelict station, and a loo. The toilet was a wooden cabinet built over a hole in the ground, but the blond timber looked and smelt new. The inside was clean and there was a small bottle of hand sanitizer. Very strange to find this out in the middle no where.
Turned out to be a staging point for www forgottenworldadventures A company that has re-purposed a decommissioned resource, a train line that snakes through the same region I'm driving through but from a totally different perspective.
Brilliant example of folk making use of a disused resource

The site was deserted so I decided to make use of the facilities. I walked back to the van, and finding a short access road, parked it next to the small train platform.

Up till now when I retire to the van for the night, I listen to radio, or watch a film, or work on video. Tonight surrounded by snoozing farmland, I just want to listen to cows ripping at grass out in the silent darkness.
The bugs haven't found me so I opened the moon roof and watched the stars.
The headlights of an occasional car driving past on one of the nearby roads, lights up sections of dark empty countryside, and reminds me of a Steven Spielberg film, or a X files Episode.

I've camped and been encircled by trees in Fielding, suburbia in Woodville, camper vans in Wanganui, but tonight I'm encircled by horizon.

View forgotten hwy first camp in a larger map


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